Thursday, July 5, 2012

Terima Kasih sayang.. :)

Last Tuesday I'm on MC.. Same to encik kekasih.. Tapi encik kekasih tetap perlu ke office sbb busy. Okey fine.. So I drop him at the office and I went to Midvalley by my self.. ALONE.. Hehhh.. 

MNG is superrrrrr cool now.. Apesal ntah all of the item seems like x masuk akal murahnye.. 
They do the renovation to the store and now everything being so cheap? Hehe.. GOOD ! So saya rambang mataaaaaa lah.. Jeans is supper cantik and murah.. Shirt? T-shirt? Dress? Skirt? Argghhhh ! 

At one moment. Called encik kekasih.. 'Syg, saya nk bla bla bla and bla bla bla. Murah gile bla bla bla and bla bla bla..' And he replied, 'OK syg.. Beli lah..' OMG ! Green light.. :) So I grab the jeans, the shirt, the t-shirt.. Haha.. To the fitting room and they looked nice on me.. Bawa ke kaunter.. And bayar.. Wallahh ! Bestt..!

Kul 3.30pm encik kekasih called me.. 'Syg, amik sy.. ' Okey, on my way to him.. Dalam kereta he tell me this.. 'Jom pegi tgk HP..' Jeng jeng jeng.. Okey poyo..! Sblm ni, my birthday present IPhone 4 yg dye bagi, I bagi dye balik, sbb dye teringin nk pakai IPhone.. And he promised me to buy Samsung NOTE Pink ! 

Hahaha.. Okey fine.. Kami pergi lah mencari HP.. Cari.. Cari.. Cari.. Samsung NOTE RM1999.. Haaaa?? Hmm.. Okey, kesian laki saya nk beli mahal2 utk saya.. 'Baby, saya x nk NOTE..' Baik kan.. ? :p
So I've decided to take Samsung Galaxy S3.. Eh2.. S2.. Huhu.. Thousand five jugak tu.. Adoiii.. Kene ketokk lagi mamat ni.. Kikiki..

TQ sayang.. U made my day with all of this.. Muahhhx ! Love love love !

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