Yeahh.. I got it already.. Sejak dua menjak ni x tau npe, lepas balik kje je, mesti berjalan sakan with Encik Kekasih.. Last Tuesday we went to The Gardens Midvalley.. Faizol drop by to Sole What.. Jalan2 dlm kedai and I found Doc Martens boots inside.. Yes !!!!Akhirnya.. X perlu ke S'pore.. Harganya lebih kurang sama dengan harga di S'pore.. RM469.. Worth it !
So I tried this boot..
Huaaaa.. Idaman hati.. Walk around the shop while trying.. Then Faizol tanye, are sure nk kasut tu ??
Pakai ke?
SUDDENLY question mark berlari2 dikepala.. Betul jugak apa dye ckp. What should I wear with this shoes.. When can I wear it.. What jeans, what shirt.. Adoiii ! Sebelum ni x terfkr pon.. Sebelum ni nmpk cntik je.. X kan nk pakai sekali sekala.. Bnde mahal kott.. Sure Faizol will be so angry if I didn't wear it..
Goshhhhh ! I really like this shoes.. Then suddenly he come up with this Doc Martens platform shoes.. Cantik sgt..
Cntik kan... :) Pandai dye pilih..
And he said, U will definitely wear this syg.. Boot tu nk pakai bila jee...?
Okey.. He got the point.. So I tired this shoes pulak.. Berjalan satu kedai.. Berat nye hati nk pilih.. I love the boots.. But he got the point, betul lah, bila je nk pakai.. But this shoes walau pon x berapa suka, I will wear it selalu.. Decision, decision.. Okey I took the platform shoes purple colour.. Dgn hati yg berat meniggal kan boots itu.. :( This platform shoes is a bit cheaper form the boots.. RM429.. So Faizol jimat RM40.. Haha..
Its ok, Ins'allah one day if ada rezeki, I will buy the boots with my own money.. Thanks syg for the shoes.. Love Love.. :))
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