Monday, July 23, 2012

I don't believe in Karma.. I believe in GOD..

Not long ago, I had a conversation with a friend where he proclaimed a firm belief in the idea that "if you do good things, good things will happen to you." Further prying revealed that he did indeed have a strong belief in Karma. This is something that I could never buy into. So, I offered a counter-example, "Well, how do you account for an infant's death? A baby is born and after living for no more than a few days, he dies of an illness. Something bad happened to him, yet, he did nothing wrong. How do you explain that?"
Of course, I was fed a completely unsatisfying answer, "I believe in Karma but I don't think it always applies." So, basically, I'm being told that when you do good things, sometimes good things will happen to you and when you do something bad, bad things might happen to you.
Before I continue, there is one thing I should make clear. I think there is a definition of Karma that can be kept completely secular. I'm referring to the concept that by doing good things for others, they are more likely to do good things for you. The same would hold true for negative actions. Nothing supernatural is involved. However, the Karma I'm referring to here is the supernatural definition of Karma. The one that says it is a law of nature that you will be rewarded for good, moral actions and punished for bad ones. This supernatural Karma is what I believe is non-existent.
Let's imagine for a moment, a world without Karma (difficult, isn't it?). In this world, there is no balance between good and bad, meaning that doing good things does not ensure a stream of goodness coming your way. On the same token, you won't necessarily "get whats coming to you" for doing bad things. Therefore, the combination of good and bad that you or anyone experiences is based solely on the nature and actions of what surrounds you. So, sometimes when you do good things, good things will happen to you and sometimes when you do bad things, bad things will happen to you. Sound familiar? It should, because that is the exact same world being described by my friend who supposedly believes in Karma (sometimes).
As if it is necessary, besides the above example, there are plenty more reasons to discount the existence of Karma. For one, it intrinsically necessitates objective morals. If Karma is to apply to everyone, there must be some universal definition of good and bad. I think anyone can realize that morals are subjective. For example, one person may see homosexuality as evil and unethical, while others (me included) see it as a personal choice that does not in anyway present a moral quandary. On top of that, I believe morals can not exist without humans. Karma requires morals and morals were created by people. Therefore, Karma could only have been created by people. Unless someone has magical powers and was able to create an invisible, universal system to punish the "bad" and reward the "good", this is impossible.
Ultimately, as if it's not already clear, I do not believe in Karma. Just based on personal experience it doesn't seem to hold true and I think by its own nature, it is impossible.
** Pss: Jangan salahkan org lain atas kesilapan dan kelalaian diri sendri.. X akan jadi kecurangan kalau bertepuk sebelah tangan.. Renung-renungkan lah.. Selamat beramal.. :))

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Dengar lagu raya this whole week with office mate.. Hehehe..
Mood raya sudah sampai yee..
Happy Ramadhan everybody.. :))

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Justin Bibir..?

World Stage 2012..

Rumah Kanak-Kanak Tunku Budriah.. :)

Senang hati bila ada kt sne.. Sejuk hati bila sampai sana, panggilan 'mak' dan 'ayah' disebut2 kanak-kanak tu.. Sedih bila nk balik.. Ins'allah next week mak datang lagi ok.. Selamat berpuasa anak-anak mak.. :)

**Pss : Pic kanak-kanak x bole di ambil.. Itu syarat untuk masuk dalam rumah ni..

Monday, July 16, 2012


Dalam melaksanakan tanggung jawab sebagai isteri atau suami pasti ada kesepian dan kelelahan. 
Tugas rutin yang dijalankan hari demi hari, minggu demi minggu, bulan demi bulan sehinggalah bertahun-tahun adakalanya menimbulkan kejemuan dan kesepian. 
Putaran kehidupan, pasti meletihkan. 
Ditambah pula kadangkala oleh sikap pasangan yang tidak memahami jiwa dan perasaan. 
Ketika itu segalanya hambar dan tawar.

Jika itu yang sedang terjadi pada diri kita kini, jangan dibiarkan berlarutan. 
Bertindaklah untuk mengubah keadaan bermula dengan mengubah jiwa, pemikiran dan perasaan sendiri. Kita tidak mampu mengubah apa yang di luar diri tetapi kita boleh mengubah diri. 
Pertama, perlu kuatkan jiwa. Bagaimana? Apalagi kalau bukan dengan solat dan zikir. 
Siti Fatimah yang mengadu keletihan dalam menguruskan rumahtangga, mendapat kekuatan dengan berzikir subhanallah, alhamdulillah dan Allah hu Akbar yang diberikan oleh ayahandanya Rasulullah saw.

Pemikiran Siti Fatimah dilapangkan dengan didikan untuk mencintai akhirat melebihi dunia. 
Lalu dengan ’tauhidic mindset’ itulah terasa olehnya betapa kecilnya penderitaan dunia berbanding penderitaan akhirat. 
Justeru, dia rela menerima kesusahan dunia yang sedikit dan sementara demi mengenangkan nikmat akhirat yang lebih baik dan selama-lamanya.
 Emosinya jadi tenteram ketika kesepian, oleh rasa hatinya yang sentiasa merasai ada Allah yang sentiasa memerhatikannya. 
Begitulah perasaan orang yang hampir dengan Allah.
 Imam Ghazali pernah menuliskan, “ketika kau kesepian jangan kau katakan aku sunyi. 
Tetapi katakan pada diri, di sisiku sentiasa ada Pemerhati!”  

Dunia ini tidak lepas daripada rasa jemu, sunyi dan lesu. 
Nikmat yang diburu, akan rasa jemu apabila sudah dalam genggaman. 
Manis, seronok dan indah hanya sementara. 
Tidak kira yang nikmat yang bernama anak, suami atau isteri. 
Tanpa cinta yang mendalam dan menyala-nyala kepada Allah, segala bentuk cinta yang lain (cinta mahkluk)  akan beransur malap dan gelap. 
Begitulah fitrah hati. 
Cinta Allah itu tapak segala cinta yang lain. 
Bila cinta Allah goyah, cinta yang lain akan turut rebah.

Tanpa kembali kepada cinta Allah, kita akan menjadi pemburu cinta yang dungu dan lesu. 
Cinta yang di depan mata dipersia, cinta fatamorgana yang tidak nyata diburu bagai nak gila. 
Akibat jemu, sepi dan lesu, ada yang mula bertindak membuka lembaran cinta yang  baru. 
Mereka ketagih untuk merasai semula keharuman dan kehangatan cinta yang pernah dialami masa muda-muda dahulu. 
Orang lama ini bermimpi untuk menjadi orang baru yang hidup penuh keceriaan, bertenaga dan bermotivasi dengan menjana cinta yang baru.

Lalu wujudlah apa yang dinamakan ‘teman tapi mesra’. 
Suami orang dan isteri orang berhubung dengan mesra. 
Ini hakikatnya satu lagi ‘produk’ hubungan mungkar tajaan syaitan untuk menipu manusia. Kononnya, keduanya tetap menjaga perkahwinan masing-masing, tetapi mereka akan bersahabat dengan bertemu, bermesra, berbual dan saling meluah rasa tanpa pengetahuan pasangan mereka. 
Teman tapi mesra ini hakikatnya adalah perbuatan yang telah menghampiri zina. 
Istilah itu hanya dicipta untuk mengurangkan rasa berdosa kerana bermesra dengan isteri atau suami orang.

Tepuk dada, tanya rasa hati kita yang paling dalam, sukakah kita jika isteri meluahkan rasa hatinya kepada orang lain? 
Bagaimana rasa siisteri, apabila diketahuinya ada perempuan lain yang dimesrai dan diambil berat perasaannya oleh suaminya sendiri?
 Tentu ada hati yang terluka. 
Pasti ada rasa yang tidak rela. 
Sedangkan segala rahsia harus dikongsi bersama. 
Mengapa dia perlukan ‘teman tapi mesra’? 
Apakah  kerana aku sudah jadi ‘suami tapi tidak mesra’ atau ‘isteri tanpa cinta?”

Friday, July 13, 2012

My Doc Martens shoes..

Still remember about Doc Martens shoes that I've been dreaming of ??
Yeahh.. I got it already.. Sejak dua menjak ni x tau npe, lepas balik kje je, mesti berjalan sakan with Encik Kekasih.. Last Tuesday we went to The Gardens Midvalley.. Faizol drop by to Sole What.. Jalan2 dlm kedai and I found Doc Martens boots inside.. Yes !!!!Akhirnya.. X perlu ke S'pore.. Harganya lebih kurang sama dengan harga di S'pore.. RM469.. Worth it ! 

So I tried this boot.. 

Huaaaa.. Idaman hati.. Walk around the shop while trying.. Then Faizol tanye, are sure nk kasut tu ?? 
Pakai ke? 

SUDDENLY question mark berlari2 dikepala.. Betul jugak apa dye ckp. What should I wear with this shoes.. When can I wear it.. What jeans, what shirt.. Adoiii ! Sebelum ni x terfkr pon.. Sebelum ni nmpk cntik je.. X kan nk pakai sekali sekala.. Bnde mahal kott.. Sure Faizol will be so angry if I didn't wear it..
Goshhhhh ! I really like this shoes.. Then suddenly he come up with this Doc Martens platform shoes.. Cantik sgt.. 

Cntik kan... :) Pandai dye pilih..

And he said, U will definitely wear this syg.. Boot tu nk pakai bila jee...?
Okey.. He got the point.. So I tired this shoes pulak.. Berjalan satu kedai.. Berat nye hati nk pilih.. I love the boots.. But he got the point, betul lah, bila je nk pakai.. But this shoes walau pon x berapa suka, I will wear it selalu.. Decision, decision.. Okey I took the platform shoes purple colour.. Dgn hati yg berat meniggal kan boots itu.. :( This platform shoes is a bit cheaper form the boots.. RM429.. So Faizol jimat RM40.. Haha..

Its ok, Ins'allah one day if ada rezeki, I will buy the boots with my own money.. Thanks syg for the shoes.. Love Love.. :))

Friday, July 6, 2012

Terima kasih En Aimi.. :)

Today Aimi treat us at Full House Sunway Pyramid..
Gennie drove us to Sunway sbb tetibe rasa malas nk jalan.. Haha..
Anyway, TQ Aimi for the lunch.. 
Sementara kami tggu makanan sampai, tetibe datang sorg lelaki cina ni.. 
'Hai good afternoon, don't be afraid, I bukan nk jual apa2.. Sambil shake my hand and Kida and Anis hand.. Huhu.. I just wanna show something..' ITS A MAGICIAN ! Best.. !

ENJOYS... :)
 Baru saja sampai ni.. 
 Bosan tggu lunch nye smpai.. (sblm megician smpai)
 Okey, that guy bend this fork in front of our eyes.. And he give it to Anis for a gift.. Hehe..
 Spoon ni pon sama.. Yg ni Kida dapat.. Hehe..
 Makanan pon sampai.. kami pon makan lahhh..
 Burrpppp ! Alhamdulillah.. :)
Terima Kasih Encik Aimi.. 
 Selepas makan, tgh tggu desert, dye datang balik.. Ask Kida to pick oneeee of the cards.. 
Okey, TERBANG !!! Cool..
Okey, BYE2.. :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Harus ke Singapura lagi..

Okey, I had a dream about Doc martens boots last week and semlm pon dream about it lagi..
Weirdddd ! Parahhh.. I have to go there to buy it !! Hehhh..
Bukan x ada di Malaysia, buat the price is bit high berbanding di Singapura.. 
Ins'allah sebelum puasa akan ku kesana jugakk.. :p

Let see, this is the boots look like.. 

Nice huh ?

Terima Kasih sayang.. :)

Last Tuesday I'm on MC.. Same to encik kekasih.. Tapi encik kekasih tetap perlu ke office sbb busy. Okey fine.. So I drop him at the office and I went to Midvalley by my self.. ALONE.. Hehhh.. 

MNG is superrrrrr cool now.. Apesal ntah all of the item seems like x masuk akal murahnye.. 
They do the renovation to the store and now everything being so cheap? Hehe.. GOOD ! So saya rambang mataaaaaa lah.. Jeans is supper cantik and murah.. Shirt? T-shirt? Dress? Skirt? Argghhhh ! 

At one moment. Called encik kekasih.. 'Syg, saya nk bla bla bla and bla bla bla. Murah gile bla bla bla and bla bla bla..' And he replied, 'OK syg.. Beli lah..' OMG ! Green light.. :) So I grab the jeans, the shirt, the t-shirt.. Haha.. To the fitting room and they looked nice on me.. Bawa ke kaunter.. And bayar.. Wallahh ! Bestt..!

Kul 3.30pm encik kekasih called me.. 'Syg, amik sy.. ' Okey, on my way to him.. Dalam kereta he tell me this.. 'Jom pegi tgk HP..' Jeng jeng jeng.. Okey poyo..! Sblm ni, my birthday present IPhone 4 yg dye bagi, I bagi dye balik, sbb dye teringin nk pakai IPhone.. And he promised me to buy Samsung NOTE Pink ! 

Hahaha.. Okey fine.. Kami pergi lah mencari HP.. Cari.. Cari.. Cari.. Samsung NOTE RM1999.. Haaaa?? Hmm.. Okey, kesian laki saya nk beli mahal2 utk saya.. 'Baby, saya x nk NOTE..' Baik kan.. ? :p
So I've decided to take Samsung Galaxy S3.. Eh2.. S2.. Huhu.. Thousand five jugak tu.. Adoiii.. Kene ketokk lagi mamat ni.. Kikiki..

TQ sayang.. U made my day with all of this.. Muahhhx ! Love love love !

Monday, July 2, 2012

Top 10 Lies Men Tell Women

The average dude fabricates something six times a day-that's twice as often as women-and with LiesMenTellWomen trending on Twitter right now, some dudes are being called out. To try to get why guys are so crafty, we reached out to male relationship experts. Here are the most common whoppers men tell their girlfriends and wives-and what the real deal is behind each. 

Lie 10: "I'm Stuck in Traffic" 
"He figures it's much easier to just say this than to try to explain the real reason he's running late," says John Amodeo, author of The Authentic Heart. "Remember, men aren't as good at communicating as women are." The funny thing is, a guy will toss this line out even if what held him up is perfectly legitimate. Still, you shouldn't let it slide - it's a lie nonetheless. 

Lie 9: "It Wasn't That Expensive" 
"Men like toys, and they don't like sensing your disapproval, even if you don't share a bank account," Amodeo says. He could also be dropping this fib to try to prove he's responsible with money, says Barton Goldsmith, author of Emotional Fitness for Intimacy. "He doesn't want you to think that if you do share funds down the line, he's going to blow them all on things like plasma TVs." 

Lie 8: "I'm on My Way" 
Guys usually throw you this line when you're making them meet you at some event they don't want to attend - like, say, your family reunion. He's stalling, but he's also being pouty. Consider: He can't exactly refuse to go without enduring serious repercussions from you, and he can't very well throw a temper tantrum in front of your pop-pop. So saying this and then showing up late is his way of gaining a wee amount of control. 

Lie 7:"I Didn't Have Too Much to Drink" 
This lie could point to a serious problem - and we're not just talking about your relationship. If he says it often he could have an alcohol issue, Goldsmith says. You need to talk to him about how concerned you are, but watch the timing. "That's definitely a conversation you need to have when he's sober," Amodeo adds. 

Lie 6: "Sorry, I Missed Your Call," 
Lie 5: "My Battery Died," and 
Lie 4: "I Had No Signal" 
These three lines all mean the same thing: I screened your call. Why? "Often men will feed you these lies because they're afraid to tell you to back off a bit, that they need a little alone time," Amodeo says. You might want to ease up on the checking in and let him miss you more. 

Lie 3: "No, Your Butt Doesn't Look Big in That" 
Look, if you assail him with the question in the first place, you're really just asking to be thrown this all-purpose mollifier. "Every guy has a buddy who's told him, 'I answered this question wrong once, and my girlfriend wouldn't have sex with me for a year,' " Goldsmith says. This is the one safe response he knows, so there's no way he's going to risk the worst by straying from it. If you want an honest opinion, go ask one of your girls instead. 

Lie 2:"This Will Be My Last Beer" 

Our experts say this man-lie delivered over the phone means he wants to get you off ASAP so he can spend more time with his buddies. The thing is, even if he says it three times in a night, each time he believes it, Goldsmith says. It's like when you vow this will be your last cookie…five times in a row. 

Lie 1: "Nothing's Wrong, I'm Fine" 
A whopping 52 percent of men have told their girlfriend this line. According to experts, this go-to fib is all about avoiding drama and protecting male pride. Men know they're not as good with articulating what's happening or how they're feeling, so it's easier for them to just keep you out of the situation. Next time he uses this line, give him a couple days and then ask him again if he is still bummed…and why. By then he may have figured things out.