Thursday, July 10, 2014


Its been a years..
I almost forgot about this blog..
I used to write to this blog everyday..
Well, I missed it..
As told before, yes ! I'm a wife now.. I'm married..

And A mother too!!
I just can't believe it..
Everyday, when I look into her eyes, I just can't believe that she is MINE.. Yes mine..

I have a very easy pregnancy even though at the 1st trimester I felt like I'm pregnant of a vampire baby.. Hehehe.. A very easy labour.. NOT!! Haha.. Sakit ya allah..
Later I will write the story about my labour.. Heeeee..

Till then, here is my little miracle.. Amira Zulfah Ulya Binti Hafiz. Born on 07/04/2014 at 9.10pm.  

1st day of life..
 2nd day of life
 One week old.. 

Monday, September 2, 2013


Owhhh myy.. Its been awhile kan? Heeee.. Now I'm officially PUAN Amira Nabila okeyyh.
Hehe.. I'm happy.. Happy sangat.. I have husband now.. Teman buat apa pon.. Kiki.. Gatai kan?

Monday, December 3, 2012


Hai guys.. I'm back.. I don't know why.. But I've lost my patient into blogging..
And suddenly when I woke up this morning.. I missed to write again.. 2012 is about to end.. Lots of happiness, dramas, and sadness too.. I learn a lots all this year.. Meeting lots of people.. Allah SWT menguji aku sepanjang tahun ini.. Aku di temukan dengan seorang lelaki yg amat aku kasihi.. dan menganggap dia sebagai kekasih hati.. Selama 2 tahun perkenalan kami, segala kebaikan dia musnah hanya dalam beberapa minit.. Sedih, kecewa.. I'm so not prepare of loosing him.. Mohd Faizol Jamaluddin, person that I love has become my enemy.. Mungkin aku boleh memaafkannya.. But not forget what he done.. To me and my family.. Ini semua urusan tuhan.. Aku berserah pada mu Ya Allah..
Syukur Alhamdulillah.. Segala yg berlaku ada hikmah nya.. Aku di temukan oleh Allah SWT dgn seorang insan yg mencintai aku bertahun lamanya.. I'm getting married.. Yes I am.. With him.. I know he's the one.. Cuma aku ditemukan dgn org yg salah dahulu.. I was hoping that after this, I will be happier.. Ins'allah.. 17 August 2013, ins'allah aku akan disatukan dgn insan bernama Hafiz Bin Ayub.. Dgn harapan aku akan dilayan seperti manusia, seperti wanita yg lain.. Tidak lagi diherdik, dipukul, dimaki dan dihina.. Aku mahu dihormati, disayangi dan dicintai dgn ikhlas..
Ya Tuhan, ampunkan dosa ku.. Berkati hidup ku.. permudahkan segalanya.. Amin YRA..  

Monday, August 6, 2012


Choosing between someone you love or someone who loves you.. 
Which one that you will choose? 
Or rather to be alone forever.. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

I don't believe in Karma.. I believe in GOD..

Not long ago, I had a conversation with a friend where he proclaimed a firm belief in the idea that "if you do good things, good things will happen to you." Further prying revealed that he did indeed have a strong belief in Karma. This is something that I could never buy into. So, I offered a counter-example, "Well, how do you account for an infant's death? A baby is born and after living for no more than a few days, he dies of an illness. Something bad happened to him, yet, he did nothing wrong. How do you explain that?"
Of course, I was fed a completely unsatisfying answer, "I believe in Karma but I don't think it always applies." So, basically, I'm being told that when you do good things, sometimes good things will happen to you and when you do something bad, bad things might happen to you.
Before I continue, there is one thing I should make clear. I think there is a definition of Karma that can be kept completely secular. I'm referring to the concept that by doing good things for others, they are more likely to do good things for you. The same would hold true for negative actions. Nothing supernatural is involved. However, the Karma I'm referring to here is the supernatural definition of Karma. The one that says it is a law of nature that you will be rewarded for good, moral actions and punished for bad ones. This supernatural Karma is what I believe is non-existent.
Let's imagine for a moment, a world without Karma (difficult, isn't it?). In this world, there is no balance between good and bad, meaning that doing good things does not ensure a stream of goodness coming your way. On the same token, you won't necessarily "get whats coming to you" for doing bad things. Therefore, the combination of good and bad that you or anyone experiences is based solely on the nature and actions of what surrounds you. So, sometimes when you do good things, good things will happen to you and sometimes when you do bad things, bad things will happen to you. Sound familiar? It should, because that is the exact same world being described by my friend who supposedly believes in Karma (sometimes).
As if it is necessary, besides the above example, there are plenty more reasons to discount the existence of Karma. For one, it intrinsically necessitates objective morals. If Karma is to apply to everyone, there must be some universal definition of good and bad. I think anyone can realize that morals are subjective. For example, one person may see homosexuality as evil and unethical, while others (me included) see it as a personal choice that does not in anyway present a moral quandary. On top of that, I believe morals can not exist without humans. Karma requires morals and morals were created by people. Therefore, Karma could only have been created by people. Unless someone has magical powers and was able to create an invisible, universal system to punish the "bad" and reward the "good", this is impossible.
Ultimately, as if it's not already clear, I do not believe in Karma. Just based on personal experience it doesn't seem to hold true and I think by its own nature, it is impossible.
** Pss: Jangan salahkan org lain atas kesilapan dan kelalaian diri sendri.. X akan jadi kecurangan kalau bertepuk sebelah tangan.. Renung-renungkan lah.. Selamat beramal.. :))

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Dengar lagu raya this whole week with office mate.. Hehehe..
Mood raya sudah sampai yee..
Happy Ramadhan everybody.. :))

Tuesday, July 17, 2012