Saturday, March 31, 2012


I'm happy for you sis.. 
Lets pray together may your dream come true.. Amin.. 

**P/s : I'm sincere..

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Jommm !

I'm going to Ipoh this weekend.. With my love and family..
Maksu n Baby Qhales.. Tggu okey.. :))



Hai Mr IR.. 
I'm writing this just for U.. Because I know U will read it ! 

First of all, I'm sorry.. I know that u really sincere to be with me.. But I cant..I have someone else that I love.. I bet u know that already.. Yes! Kdg2 dye buat I menangis.. But that's normal.. Mana ada relationship yg x bergado lgsg.. Kalau I dgn U pon, x semestinye kite x bergado.. U can promise me everything, tp x tentu lgi U dpt tunaikan all of your promises.. 

I tahu, U have everything.. U have a better future berbanding my love now.. I aware of that.. U have house, U have job, U have money, U have car, U perfect! But I'm in love with my lover.. Not U.. So jgn tggu I.. I x nk u tggu I.. I'm sorry mister.. Dengan pekerjaan U yg perfect tu, I tau U akan dpt org yg lebih baik dri I.. Or maybe sepadan dgn kedudukan U.. Babe, please.. Don't beg me again and again and again.. Now U dh balik offshore, U jauh dri I, U jauh dri kwn2 U kt sni, think about what I said.. I'm still here as your friends.. 

I hope U can accept my decision.. Yes, my love x sehebat U kalau nk dibandingkan.. But I don't care.. I just in love with him.. I terima dye seadanya.. Till we meet again.. 

LOVE, Bella..

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Kenapa suka tiru??

Xde personaliti sendiri ke???

Sedeyhhhh !

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Nak buang lahhhh !

Situation at the gym..

Sam: Buang lah kucing tu.. Semak la.. Busuk !
Me: Agreed with Sam.. Buang ! Buang !
D: Mane bole.. Aku nk kawan ngan sapa..
Me: Hahaha.. Bongok la awk ni.. Awk x jaga pon dye.. Kebulor gak kucing tu..
Sam: Ntah.. Kau ni.. Aku xtau nk wt pe tau.. Angkat baju tu berbau.. Angkat ni, berbau.. Semak dowhh..
D: Hmm.. Nnti lah aku tnye Ijam..
Sam: Nak tnye wtpe.. Bukan dye heran pon kt Meyy tu..
D: Yeke? Hmm..
Afiq: Kau bagi aku lah.. Leh letak kt umah Mak Sara..
Sam: Haaa! Okey lah tu..
Me : Okey sgt ! Hari ni gak amik..
D: Ehhh.. Nnti lu.. Aku tnye Ijam..
Sam: Aku ckp xyah tnye dye la.. Kau ni..
D: Ye lah..

A few days later..

D: Syg, Mey sedih je.. Dye tau dye nk kne buang kot..
Me: Xde makne nye.. Kucing apa dye tau.. Awk bukan jaga dye pon.. Bagi mkn pon seminggu sekali.. Kesian tau..
D: Alahh.. Sapa nk teman saya..?
Me: kau kwn lah ngan antu kt umah tu..
D: Awk ni, jahat !
Me: Haha.. Klau awk xnk bagi Afiq, hntr umah abah.. If not, saya akan buang kt kdai mkn.. Bole?
D: Okey.. Akan di pertimbangkan..

** Ps: Nak ke xnk?? Kalau tak buang je.. Cpt ckp.. Xyah nk poyo2 buat x tau..

Kawan Lagi erk sayang?

Kawan lagi ke D??
A'ahh.. Marah ke?
Hmm.. X pon!
Sbb dye x dapat apa.. Muka pon bocor !
Eh, Jahat ! (tepok dahi)
Wekk.. Wekk..

Singapore trip.. Budget trip.. Haha..

Enjoy the picture...

Say BYE2 Meyyy...

Kenderaan Perang.. :p

Our 1st stop.. Had dinner here.. Kenyang D?

Tempat beradu..

Universal Studio

Bajet pelancong, can snap pic anywhere..

EVERYWHERE yeahhh...


The End..

Next trip, Phuket for Songkran Festival. :))

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Its activated !

Salam.. :))
OMG ! Finally, my holiday mood is activated.. I'm so excited.. Can't wait for tomorrow.. 
I always get so excited when it comes to holidays.. :D

Till we meet again.. Love.. :))

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Birthday lagi..

Happy Birthday Aidid Naufal Ahmad Sabree..
Kakak Love U So Much !
Behave ! Be a good boy..
Belajat rajin2.. Dh besar nnti bole jaga ibu & abah..
Muahhx !

Gurlyyy sgt kan kek Aidid.. Hehe..

                          And thats me holding the kek.. *Ibu dengki potong muka ku.. :p        

                                                           And the birthday boy.. :)

Friday, March 9, 2012


I dont know how much enemy that you have out there.. But seems like MANY.. What have you done?? Seriously, what..?

Thursday, March 8, 2012


So bajet kau tgh sedih la ni?? Ke tgh bahagia..?
Aku confuse jap nih..

Hasya nak jalan-jalan..

Last weekend, bawak Hasya jalan2.. Hasya nak pergi KL.. KL giteww.. Haha.. So I drove my car and pick up my baby boo.. Then call rumah mak, ask Maksu utk siap2 kan budak tu.. Sampai ke rumah mak, 2 beradik tu tgh main kt dpn rumah.. Amik Hasya, but Ain nanges nk ikot.. Alahhh.. Adik x dpt ikot, adik kan sakit.. Sedihhh aje muke nye.. Balik kakak beli Mc'D ok?? Ok!! Terus snyum itu budak.. :)

Bawak Hasya ke TS.. Since Faizol pon nk baya bill U Mobile dye.. Then Hasya asked me, kakak ckp nk g KL.. Ni KL ke.. I replied, ni KL la syg.. The she said, KL bukan ade banggunan 2 yg tggi tu ke? Okey now i get, dye ingt KL is KLCC.. Syg, itu KLCC.. KL besar tau.. Skrg kite kt KL la.. Then she was like.. Owhhh.. Okey ! Comell.. 

Settle baya bill, we all g dinner kt Rasa Utara.. Well, tom yam nye sedap.. Tp pedas sgt.. I share with Hasya.. And Faizol mkn chicken chop.. Demanding ! 

Slurppp ! Dap2..

Happy Birthday Sayang..

Happy 18th Birthday Amir Putera Abd Rahman.. How time flies so fast.. Cant believe you're 18th now.. From a cute lil' boy.. Now you're big handsome guy.. I love you brother.. 
Celebrate birthday Amir di Restoran Kunang-Kunang KL.. Well, service bagus.. But makanan tak berapa best.. Overall, we all had fun and enjoy that night.. Nara and Faizol was there as well.. But Faizol sakit gigi.. So no mood.. Cian syg.. :(

 Amir's birthday celebration.. Kunang2.. :))

Busy with their phone while waiting for the dinner.. 

Amir's birthday present.. 

Friday, March 2, 2012

Year by year.. We growing up.. Different FACES.. Different ATTITUDES.. STRUGGLE to be more MATURE.. Sometimes,we stop doing certain ACTIVITIES when we were in CHILDHOOD.. The way we TALK, the way we BEHAVES.. All changed.. But only one THING we can't change which is MEMORIES.. Doesn't matter either it was BAD or NICE memories.. When we RECALL it back.. It still THERE.. In our HEARTS.. :)) I miss the OLD DAYS...  ♥

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Berhati-hati bila berkawan..

Salam readers.. officallyorunoffically. Huhu..

Berhati-hati bila berkawan.. Berhati-hati bila bercerita.. Berhati-hati kalau nk melakukan sesuatu.. Your friends might be others friends as well.. Dapat pulak kawan yg mulutnye kipochi kan? So everything that you do or done with him/her, your friends will open their mouth and bercerita.. Kan dapat malu..

Apa pon, fikir dulu sebelum lakukan apa-apa.. You're big enough.. Think before you do or end up you make mistake..**Berhatihatidenganmokmokyangdibanggakantu.

And untuk someone tu, please jangan suka tiru orang.. Sedihh la kau ni.. :p


True Love..


             Private Scandal..
I like that ! Hewhewhew.. :p