Have U talk to your girl lately? Don't you know if something is wrong with your girl?? U should and better know it..

Wednesday, April 25, 2012
The True Love Is Something That Everyone Wants To Feel!!
What is true love? The true love is something that everyone wants to feel, but it is a fact that only a little part of the people has the luck to meet her. What is actually the true love? That is the most beautiful thing that can happen to someone, because that is one shared feeling. When you meet someone and fall in love with him that is not the true love still. If this person shares your feelings that still is not the true love.
But it is true that this is the first step to that amazing feeling. The true love is something more then falling in love. She is at the first place trust, because without him every relationship is fated and can’t survive a long time. When you have trust in your partner you are anxiety-free. That must be shared because when the one person in the relationship believes in the other, but the other don’t do this, this leads to problems and probably to broke up. The true love is a friendship. You must to can be not only lover to your partner, you must be his friend.
Your partner must be the man from who you can ask for advice and who you can say your secrets, because he will not say to no one else this things, he wouldn’t be betrayed you. It is a true love when you can talk about everything with the person who you are in love with. Exactly the talking is the most important thing for the true love, because when the partners talk, they can find a decision to every problem, which they have. One big part of the couples breaking up, because they can’t or don’t want to talk. When the love is a true love, she can survive everything. Every problem is a test for the feelings and strength of one relationship. The true love is help. When you really love someone you are ready to help him right away and to do everything for him.
Of course this must be shared. The true love is care, because when you are in love with someone you make everything that your partner can feel fine and loved. When the love is a true love this fact automatically eliminates the egoism, because now you are not alone and you must thing about the wishes, which have the person with who you are. When you love someone you want to make him happy. The true love means support too. The feeling when you know that by you stands someone who loves you and every time will support you, is really great. One love is true when the two in the relationship are frank and honest.
The true love is aspiration for acquaintance of the man who you are in love with. When you became well familiarize with your partner, you will find his entire blemish, but you must not aspire to remove them. If your partner’s love to you is real he will make everything possible to remove them himself. When two people can make so that their character fit and when they can make compromises that mean that these people love each other and their love is a true love. To find the true love means to find a perfect match for you, your half. The people are saying that everyone has a half somewhere over the world, but these who meet her are only a little part.
When the love is shared, she is a true love and makes you one better person and the world look like a better place for a living. When you and your partner have the same thinking and the same conception for the life, you can be together a very long time. The true love is when two people want to spend their time together in loving each other and when their love survives all of the obstacles, which they meet during their life together. Furthermore, if the people are able to keep their love the same as it was in the beginning through out the years, you can say that this is true love. Remember that finding the true love of your life is really hard and you may need more than one lifetime to make that happen, but in the end it will be worth it. Make sure that you will never stop searching for the true love, because there is no set date that you will find it and also the true love is likely to appear in odd circumstances.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Cerita Jalan TAR
Tiring.. Pergi Jalan TAR hari sabtu pulak.. Plus ada pasar malam.. Penat deyhh..
Alhamdulillah, pergi satu kedai je, dh dpt semua.. Mine, him, parents and siblings..Sgt happy..
Huahuahua.. Okey Bella, jgn over.. Elakkan pembaziran.. PENTING TU !
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Gering pula saya hari ini.. -_-
Craving for Mc'D since Anis send an email to all of us for Mc'D lunch treat by Gennie tomorrow..
Craving for Mc'D since Anis send an email to all of us for Mc'D lunch treat by Gennie tomorrow..
Skrg dh x de masa.. Sume nk cepat.. Tailor dh ade ke Kakak? Adoiii.. Serabut gua..
Ibu pulak gabra semcm.. Aku apakan lgi.. Damn la !
Yg mamat tu, kite cri kain baek2 pnye k syg.. Relax je dye.. Okey2.. Sy nk relax mcm dye..
TP X BOLEH ! Sume letak atas pale ni.. Semak !!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Our preparation..
Since now I'm back from the vacation, its time for us to do the preparation..
Byk benda x beli lgi.. Ibu have started asking, kain dh beli kakak?? Hmm.. Blom ibu.. Mcm mana nk beli, every week pon outstation.. -_-
This week is the week ok Kakak.. No more delay.. BAIKKK ! So this weekend, mesti cari kain..
Benda2 len lmbt pon xpe.. Kang baju x siap.. Masakkkk !
I want purple.. Soft purple.. And very simple design.. Ibu mengeluarkan idea dye lah.. Apa lgi.. Kepakaran dye lah tu.. Lama dh dye berhenti jdi designer.. But, my mom still have the skill.. Cntik design ibu.. Simple and I love it ! CANT WAIT !
Byk benda x beli lgi.. Ibu have started asking, kain dh beli kakak?? Hmm.. Blom ibu.. Mcm mana nk beli, every week pon outstation.. -_-
This week is the week ok Kakak.. No more delay.. BAIKKK ! So this weekend, mesti cari kain..
Benda2 len lmbt pon xpe.. Kang baju x siap.. Masakkkk !
I want purple.. Soft purple.. And very simple design.. Ibu mengeluarkan idea dye lah.. Apa lgi.. Kepakaran dye lah tu.. Lama dh dye berhenti jdi designer.. But, my mom still have the skill.. Cntik design ibu.. Simple and I love it ! CANT WAIT !
I always dream to have like this kind of wedding.. Not like the last one tuuu.. Mintak simpang.. Hehehe.. The concept of the wedding.. Cantik.. Ins'allah.. :))
I'm back !
Yes.. I'm back from my vacation..
Best sgt.. Walaupon dlm Malaysia je.. Lama rse nye x ke Langkawi.. panas terikkk kt sne..
Penang pula mendung je.. Pagi2 dh kne kjut ngan Abg Amir ajk ke beach men jetski.
I'm having fun ! 1st experience stay at Hard Rock.. Its superb.. That place will be our place to go kalau ke Penang.. Thanks parents for this trip..
Now lets enjoy the picture..
Best sgt.. Walaupon dlm Malaysia je.. Lama rse nye x ke Langkawi.. panas terikkk kt sne..
Penang pula mendung je.. Pagi2 dh kne kjut ngan Abg Amir ajk ke beach men jetski.
I'm having fun ! 1st experience stay at Hard Rock.. Its superb.. That place will be our place to go kalau ke Penang.. Thanks parents for this trip..
Now lets enjoy the picture..
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Its Activated
I'm not feeling well..
Heaving a terrible headache..
Its suck !
Too lazy to do everything.. INCLUDE working.. -_-'
I'm leaving tomorrow..
My holiday mood is activated..
Maybe that's the reason why I've been too lazy lately.. :p
So long everybody.. :))
HARD ROCK here we come !! *Dancing*
Heaving a terrible headache..
Its suck !
Too lazy to do everything.. INCLUDE working.. -_-'
I'm leaving tomorrow..
My holiday mood is activated..
Maybe that's the reason why I've been too lazy lately.. :p
So long everybody.. :))
HARD ROCK here we come !! *Dancing*
Friday, April 6, 2012
Salam.. Morning everybody..
Sgt emosi entry kali ini.. As people already know, Selatan Thai kne bom.. And we all have plan to go to Phuket, Thailand.. Tp nampak gayanya, x de rezeki kami.. So sad.. We have to postponed the trip for next year Songkran Festival.. :(
Anyway, we have plan for a new trip tapi dlm Malaysia sahaja lahh..We have plan to go to Langkawi and Penang.. We are leaving on 11/04 until 15/04. Same date kalau kitorg pergi Phuket.. A bit sad and terkilan x dapat pergi Phuket for Songkran sbb Songkran tersgt lah bestt.. Tapi keselamatan kami adalah lebih penting.. We will stay 2nights at Langkawi.. Booked home stay already.. Tepi laut.. Sgt boleh feeling2.. Hewhew.. :p And Penang, we will stay at Hard Rock for 2nights.. Okay then I cant wait for the trip.. EXCITED !! I'm always excited when it comes to holidaysssss.. :))
Sgt emosi entry kali ini.. As people already know, Selatan Thai kne bom.. And we all have plan to go to Phuket, Thailand.. Tp nampak gayanya, x de rezeki kami.. So sad.. We have to postponed the trip for next year Songkran Festival.. :(
Anyway, we have plan for a new trip tapi dlm Malaysia sahaja lahh..We have plan to go to Langkawi and Penang.. We are leaving on 11/04 until 15/04. Same date kalau kitorg pergi Phuket.. A bit sad and terkilan x dapat pergi Phuket for Songkran sbb Songkran tersgt lah bestt.. Tapi keselamatan kami adalah lebih penting.. We will stay 2nights at Langkawi.. Booked home stay already.. Tepi laut.. Sgt boleh feeling2.. Hewhew.. :p And Penang, we will stay at Hard Rock for 2nights.. Okay then I cant wait for the trip.. EXCITED !! I'm always excited when it comes to holidaysssss.. :))
Monday, April 2, 2012
Cinta suci?
Cinta agung?
Its a fairy tales..
All bullshit !
Jgn salah faham.. Entry ni bukan nk bgtau yg I x percaya wujudnya cinta itu.. Geli weyhh.. Haha..
Okey back to the story.. En IR, jgn ckp mcm tu.. I x bermaksud nk buat U x percayakan cinta.. X baik tau..
Redha lah U kepada takdir.. Ins'allah.. U akan jumpa someone else one day..
Best Regards,
Love, Bella..
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