I almost forgot about this blog..
I used to write to this blog everyday..
Well, I missed it..
As told before, yes ! I'm a wife now.. I'm married..
And A mother too!!
I just can't believe it..
Everyday, when I look into her eyes, I just can't believe that she is MINE.. Yes mine..
I have a very easy pregnancy even though at the 1st trimester I felt like I'm pregnant of a vampire baby.. Hehehe.. A very easy labour.. NOT!! Haha.. Sakit ya allah..
Later I will write the story about my labour.. Heeeee..
Till then, here is my little miracle.. Amira Zulfah Ulya Binti Hafiz. Born on 07/04/2014 at 9.10pm.
1st day of life..
2nd day of life
One week old..